
james hewitt prince harry dna test

The tabloid alleges that either James Hewitt or Mark Dyer, both redheads, could be Prince Harry’s biological father. Another claimed: “I suggest a DNA test for Harry and James Hewitt. Sunday, February … Seit langem kursierte das Gerücht, Harrys Vater sei nicht Charles, sondern Dianas Liebhaber James Hewitt. If you ask me, Prince Harry doesn’t need to get a DNA test to prove who his father is. No way in hell is Charles Harry's dad.” At one point during the interview, Harry said that he was “really let down” by Prince Charles and claimed his dad had stopped taking his calls. Archie looks more like Prince Harry than his mom. Sources say it’s the fact that Diana admitted she was very much in love with dashing cavalry officer James Hewitt that has 39-year-old Meghan pushing Harry, 36, to get a DNA test … Princess diana herself admitted that she and hewitt had an affair during a bbc panorama program in 1995. The Royalist has always maintained that Harry's red hair is a Spencer, not a Hewitt trait. The first DNA test revealed that Prince Harry isn’t Archie’s biological father. At that time, Gossip Cop debunked the claims made by the tabloid. A princesa Diana, pressionada pela família real britânica, submeteu seu filho Harry a um exame de DNA para provar que a criança não era fruto de sua relação com o major James Hewitt… Rumours that Hewitt is Harry’s father have been repeatedly rebuffed by Royal commentators, and ‘disproved’ by a newspaper DNA test in 2003. Auch Skandalautor Max Clifford hatte bereits in seinem Buch "Read All About It" behauptet, dass Hewitt der Vater von Prinz Harry sei. Und doch musste der frühere Liebhaber von Prinzessin Diana (1962-1997), James Hewitt (58), sie erneut beantworten: die Frage, ob er der leibliche Vater von Prinz Harry (32) sei. Niet prins Charles, maar legerofficier James Hewitt zou de biologische vader zijn van prins Harry (30). He also said that if Prince Harry took a DNA test and it reveals that he’s Prince Charles’ son then maybe the whole world will stop liking the new dad to Hewitt. Prince harry is prince charles biological son. Seit den Neunzigern wird immer wieder behauptet, Prinz Harry sei nicht der Sohn von Prinz Charles, sondern von Prinzessin Dianas Affäre James Hewitt. Report: Prince Harry Definitely Not James Hewitt's Son According To DNA Test Just Looky Likeys A 2003 DNA test reportedly carried out by the News of … Queen Elizabeth Bans Prince Harry’s Alleged Biological Father James Hewitt From Upcoming Wedding With Cressida Bonas (PHOTOS) GLOBE: Princess Diana And Angelina Jolie Would Have Been Best Pals ; Queen Elizabeth Demands Prince Harry Take DNA Test – Is He Really A Prince? If the test proves charles to be his father it would be painful for charles that his own son ever doubted. Meghan Markle Rushed To Hospital After Giving Birth Early? However, she was pressured to carry out DNA tests on both Harry and his elder brother, Prince William, to prove their paternity, the Sun said in its Wednesday edition. © Copyright 2021 Entertainment Times. The wild claim that Princess Diana’s lover is the actual father of Meghan Markle’s husband has refused to go away. The duchess allegedly concluded that the dashing cavalry officer was Prince Harry’s real dad. Harry even resembles his grandfather, Prince Philip, since he looks exactly like Philip did in 1957. A 2003 DNA test reportedly carried out by the News of The World showed Harry and Hewitt are not related. The insider claimed that Prince Harry refused to accept the result of the test and was devastated. He was furious to … It is also well known that Diana did not sleep with James Hewitt until well after Prince Harry was born. Prince Charles and Princess Diana aren’t redheads but Hewitt is. THOSE who insist Prince Harry’s father must be James Hewitt because of their family resemblance are missing a vital piece of the puzzle. However, the members of the royal family aren’t convinced that Markle’s child is also Prince Harry’s son. Diana had previously had a passionate affair with army officer Major James Hewitt, and there had been rumours that Harry - who, like Hewitt, has red hair - was the product of that relationship. Over the years, many have called for Prince Harry, the sixth in line to the throne, to take a DNA test to prove his lineage. It's a brilliant read, packed with all the detail and anecdote you would expect of Harry's 'reckless binges' and womanising, but one throwaway line stands out for the Royalist - in 2003, Junor claims, the News of The World obtained a sample of Prince Harry's hair and DNA tested it to see if he was really the son of Diana's former lover James Hewitt. However, some royal fans are convinced that Prince Harry is the son of Princess Diana’s lover, James Hewitt because of the color of their hair. Gossip Cop revealed that Markle has been accused of flirting with other men that’s why there are dubious claims that Prince Harry isn’t the one who got her pregnant. All Rights Reserved. Hewitt has also denied the conspiracy theory about his being Prince Harry’s father. He looks just like his grandfather, Prince Philip, and he bears resemblance to his dad. He also accused those who administered the test of concocting a conspiracy against him and his child. According to Globe, the tests revealed two different results. Another post from yesterday reads: "Prince Harry must do a DNA test and put to rest his uncanny resemblance with all features and hair of Diana's lover, James Hewitt.” Last week"s picture of a young, bearded Prince Charles – in which he looks identical to Harry – … The truth is that Harry got his blue eyes, long nose, and jutting ears from Prince Charles. Settle the mystery. He apparently asked for a DNA paternity test. Royal biographer Penny Junor is back, and marking Prince Harry's 30th birthday with a series of splashy pieces profiling the young(ish) Prince for the Daily Mail. Woman’s Day published a report claiming that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a secret that could threaten the royal family. The rumors about Prince Harry not being Prince Charles’ biological son aren’t true either. “In the days leading up to Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan, giving birth, the couple was stunned to learn a DNA test using amniotic fluid, routinely performed on royal babies, revealed the redhead is NOT the child’s daddy,” a source said. Der damals elfjährige Harry habe nicht erfahren, wozu der Bluttest verwendet worden sei. As a soldier, Hewitt was one of young Harry's mentors. And it’s certainly piqued the interest of a younger audience, including Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. The Duke of Sussex has been dogged all his life by the conspiracy theory that Hewitt is his father – not Prince Charles. Elsa Pataky Caught Chris Hemsworth Hanging Out, Flirting With Australian Model. Harry does indeed bear a passing resemblance to the ginger-haired James Hewitt, the arch-cad who sold the story of his long-term relationship to Di to the papers, but Hewitt himself looks remarkably like Diana's Spencer relations. March 13, 2017 5:47pm Video Markle allegedly watched Princess Diana’s interview 25 years ago, where she admitted that she was very much in love with James Hewitt. Junor writes, "The News of the World even had strands of Harry’s hair DNA-tested in February 2003 — and if Harry had been shown to be James Hewitt’s son, you can be sure we’d have known.". And Prince Harry looks like a younger version of his father. “In the days leading up to Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan, giving birth, the couple was stunned to learn a DNA test using amniotic fluid, routinely performed on royal babies, revealed the redhead is NOT the child’s daddy,” a source said. Meghan Markle allegedly demanded a DNA test. The Duke of Sussex allegedly turned ghastly white and Markle burst into tears in shock. He said that this isn’t the case because Prince Harry was already born when he met Princess Diana. Latest Rotal News: Meghan Markle on racism in UK royal family, considering suicide and crying due to Kate Middleton. Prince Harry had "volunteered to get a DNA test" once before but "the queen forbade it." After getting the results, he learned that Markle’s unborn child is really his. Sign up to get the latest entertainment news delivered weekly right to your inbox! Now that he's free from her eye, he may just get that test for Archie's sake. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.CBC News/YouTube. James hewitt prince harry dna test. The main reason for the fake claims was Harry’s red hair. The insider claimed that Prince Harry refused to accept the result of the test and was devastated. 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The book once again addresses the … Exhibit A: Here is Hewitt playing polo at age 33 in 1991 (the exact same age that Harry is today) and Harry playing the game last year. Prince Harry allegedly took two DNA tests last year to determine if Archie is really his biological son. | Google Tag … Just An Anniversary Cash-In But a recent video of Archie proves that this isn’t the case. In order to appease his mind, Prince Harry took a second DNA test. They also said that it is unlikely for Prince Harry not to be Archie’s father. The publication called the story fictitious. A netizen wondered if Prince Harry was ever told to take a paternity test to prove he is Prince Charles’ real son because of his resemblance to James Hewitt. You can't libel the dead, and, presumably, the Mail has concluded that they are unlikely to be given any trouble by a dead newspaper either. An angry Prince Harry allegedly called the first DNA test a scam. So, she allegedly asked the royal prince “to get a DNA test once and for all.” The outlet quoted an anonymous insider claiming that if Prince Harry’s real dad is James Hewitt, it … Prince Harry 2019: Princess Diana Infidelity Proven by DNA Test, Reports Claim. Rumors that the shuttered Murdoch tabloid had undertaken a DNA test on Harry's hair - and that the test proved negative - have abounded for many years on Fleet Street, but it's interesting to see that Junor and the Mail are now happy enough to publish the story openly. For years, there have been rumors suggesting that Prince Charles isn’t Prince Harry’s father. The Duke of Sussex doesn’t want Archie to go through the same struggles that he went through all his life. One year passed and the publication revisited the story about Archie’s paternity. Prince Harry, second son of Princess Diana, was made to undergo a DNA test to disprove rumours that James Hewitt, an Army officer with whom she … The tests showed that both princes had been fathered by Charles, the heir to the British throne, who Diana finally divorced in 1996, a year before her death in a Paris car crash. But according to USA Today, a book marking the tenth anniversary of Princess Diana’s death entitled After Diana, suggests that Prince Harry himself was concerned about the issue. Harry endured endless gossip about his physical similarity to James Hewitt. James Lifford Hewitt (born 30 April 1958) is a British former cavalry officer in the British Army.He came to public attention in the mid-1990s after he disclosed an affair with Diana, Princess of Wales, while she was still married to the heir apparent to the throne of the United Kingdom, Prince Charles. However, more reliable royal experts revealed that some members of Princess Diana’s family are redheads. 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