Ready? 3,370 people like this. Comparative Form and Superlative Form (-er/-est) one-syllable adjectives (clean, new, cheap) two-syllable adjectives ending in -y or -er (easy, happy, pretty, dirty, clever) Examples: interesting, the most interesting . quiet: the quietest OR the most quiet . new and not always accepted by most members of society She has very modern ideas about educating her children. pleasant, modern. The study is based on sample texts gathered by the compilers of the Helsinki Corpus. synonym up to date a modern computer system modern methods of farming the most modern, well-equipped hospital in Seattle; 4 (of ways of behaving, thinking, etc.) plural. Esta casa es la más moderna. taveta road (7,573.79 mi) Nairobi, Kenya, Get Directions +254 718 962365. C'est quoi ? Below is a list of the most common adjectives with their comparative and superlative forms. Don’t worry – even native speakers make mistakes with these! You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at … Superlative. Not Now . Comparison: adjectives ( bigger, biggest, more interesting ) — English Grammar Today — ein Nachschlagewerk für geschriebene und gesprochene englische Grammatik und Sprachgebrauch — Cambridge Dictionary the "most modern" The comparative and superlative forms of modern are more modern and most modern. Adjektive haben im Englischen (wie im Deutschen) drei Steigerungsformen: die Grundstufe oder den Positiv (Positive) den Komparativ (Comparative) den Superlativ (Superlative) Die Grundstufe: Positiv (positive) Die Grundstufe stellt das Adjektiv ohne Veränderung dar, zum Beispiel: big (groß). Im modernen [...] Süden Chinas ist alles komparativ bis superlativ: höher, schneller und weiter. Comparison of Adjectives - Exercise 5 - comperative forms. Comparative and superlative. Step# 2. Comparison with -er/-est. Declension of neu in the superlative, declension tables for many other German adjectives. Positive neu: Comparative neuer: Superlative am neusten / neuesten: with definite article: masculin. nom. Write the superlatives of: 1 syllable old the oldest big cold large small )Exemples : L'Amazone est la plus longue rivière du monde. Superlative Degree: She is the most beautiful girl. Open Now. Live worksheets > English > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Comparatives and superlatives > Modern family- S3E22-23 Modern family- S3E22-23 Watch Modern Family (seasson 3- episodes 22 and 23) and complete the exercises Forgot account? Much modern art looks odd to many people Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. Print the l ist of comparative superlative and adjectives from A to Z. Superlative Curtains. Comparison Adjectives and Adverbs in German . The + most + adjective. bad, the worst . Everest is the highest mountain in the world. This is the most modern house. There is another type of superlative called El superlativo absoluto which is used with adjectives and expresses that something/someone is extremely [adjective]. Irregular adjectives are in bold. beautiful, intelligent, expensive . feminin. Superlative adjectives 1. Irregular adjectives are in bold. This house is the most modern (one). There are three forms of comparison: positive; comparative; superlative; 1. Log In. Kamala is the shortest. 10. think in Geneva food is than in Lucerne. 2) Superlative "absoluto" with adjectives. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Grammar superlative su‧per‧la‧tive 1 / suːˈpɜːlətɪv, sjuː-$ sʊˈpɜːr-/ adjective 1 GOOD/EXCELLENT excellent a superlative performance 2 SLG a superlative adjective or adverb expresses the highest degree of a particular quality. I have three sisters: Jan is the oldest and Angela is the youngest. Home Improvement in Nairobi, Kenya. In this study guide, we will explain each type of adjective and give you a list of the 35 most common. or. Comparison of Adjectives - Exercise 3 - superlative forms. You will improve your understanding with our native examples and can test your knowledge with the exercises at the end of the guide. Grammatical constructions used for comparing adjectives . Similar to English, it can be formed in two ways, as a periphrastic form (as in English POS beautiful, COMP more beautiful) and as a synthetic form using suffixes, as in English … Comparison of Adjectives - multiple choice exercise - mixed forms. 5 out of 5 stars. Some new styles or forms of art and fiction writing are called modern. See more of Superlative Curtains on Facebook. Superlative adjectives. Community See All. Get Grammarly It's Free. In modern southern China, [...] everything is either comparative or superlative-higher, faster and further. start writing. superlatives worksheets and online activities. Positive Degree: No other girl is as beautiful as she. Create New Account. COMPARATIVE and SUPERLATIVE We use comparative adjectives to compare two people, animals or things. Are you having problems understanding the comparative and superlative in English? (modern) think buildings in Zurich are 7. think people in Lucerne are than in Zurich. About See All. That’s the best film I have seen this year. (popular) think festivals in Geneva are 9. think Geneva is than Lucerne. Der Komparativ und der Superlativ auf Englisch. Page description: Regular comparative and superlative adjectives merely put an -er and an -est ending on the basic adjective, even if they are very long (in contrast to English, which uses 'more' or 'most' if the adjective is more than two syllables long, such as diligent or intelligent).
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