Tap to record audio: Instead of holding the Record button to record audio, the app allows you to start and end recording at the tap of a button. Pin chat on iPhone. If you did not upload the profile picture during the … WhatsApp Backup Stuck On Android Or iPhone? It is similar to pinning a post on Facebook so that it remains at the top.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-techuntold_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; So, let’s go ahead and look at the procedure. Obviously, never share that PIN with anyone. All Rights Reserved, How to Backup WhatsApp Messages On iPhone and Android, How to Use WhatsApp On PC Without Mobile Phone, How to Check Computer Specs in Windows 10, How to Remove Bloatware From Windows 10 PC, How to Setup Chromecast on Android and iPhone, Mac vs PC Comparison: Should You Buy Mac or PC, Kindle E-Reader Comparison | Which Kindle to Buy. Pin chat feature moves the conversation you pin to the top of the chat list. Tap Share Live Location. Ein Problem kann das allerdings werden, wenn Du die PIN bei einer erneuten Registrierung Deines Accounts vergessen hast, denn dann kannst Du WhatsApp für sechs bis sieben Tage nicht nutzen, bevor Du eine erneute Verifizierung durchführen kannst. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends to let them know about this handy WhatsApp feature. WHY USE WHATSAPP: Swipe right on the chat thread you want to pin. Even though you receive messages from other contacts the pinned chat will stay at the top followed by the conversation with other friends. Next, tap on the Chats tab located at the bottom of your screen (See image below). Select Pin. Use These Two Ways! Tap … Try These Fixes, 6 Ways To Fix Google Backup Not Working On Android, How To Recover Deleted Call Log And Lost Call History On Android In Three Ways, How To Transfer iCloud To Android Using 3 Methods: Save Your iCloud Data to New Android Phone. 4. This sends a message to the email address WhatsApp has on record for you—the same one you used to set up your two-step verification. WhatsApp allows you to pin only 3 chats on the top but there is a trick to pin more than 3 chats in WhatsApp. Send Unlimited Media: Send more than 10 media (Photos, videos, etc.) The benefit of pinning a chat is that you can quickly spot the conversation with your favorite contact which is otherwise lost in a plethora of other conversations. Im Anschluss haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine E-Mail-Adresse anzugeben, über die Sie Zugriff auf WhatsApp bekommen können, sofern Sie Ihre PIN vergessen haben. If desired you can unpin the chat later by swiping right on the pinned chat and select Unpin. Pin WhatsApp Chat on iPhone. To pin a chat on the iPhone, here is what you need to do. On Android: Tap and hold the chat you want to pin, then tap Pin chat. WhatsApp feature: How to pin chats on top Premium WhatsApp features you should know to use the app better and more securely (Reuters) 2 min read. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. It will stay on top even as new, unread messages come in. Setting 2FA PIN. Upload Profile Photo and Edit WhatsApp Profile. Update WhatsApp to the latest version 2.17.40 or later. Open WhatsApp and go to the Chat tab. How To Backup iPhone Without iCloud And iTunes? WhatsApp has rolled out an update to iPhone users bringing many new features with it. Last year, WhatsApp introduced the ability to reply a particular message with a … WhatsApp Chat anpinnen. If you think it is something useful for you then you can use the steps mentioned here to pin WhatsApp chat on iPhone or Android smartphones. Von nun an wird bei jeder Einrichtung von WhatsApp nach Ihrer PIN gefragt. How To Move WhatsApp To SD Card On Android? Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages. Custom Text Color: Change text color in chat bubbles. In this video I explained how to pin WhatsApp chat conversation. Tap the Pin button to pin a chat in WhatsApp. It lets you have your most loved (or … You will get your account back—but it will take time. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications for one reason – you can use it to send messages and media to your friends and family, regardless of whether they’re on an iOS or Android device. Go ahead and open up WhatsApp and when it asks for your PIN, tap the “Forgot PIN” link. With pinned chats, you no more have to lose your important conversations. Update WhatsApp to the latest version 2.17.40 or later. Read more in our Privacy Policy And Disclaimer. Next, you need to slide over the conversation you want to pin. Send Email to Reset PIN; Now tap on the OK. Email Sent to Reset PIN; An email with a link to turn off two … I love this feature! Select Location. To lock WhatsApp on your iPhone so your face or fingerprint are required to see your WhatsApp chats even if your iPhone is already unlocked, follow these steps: Open WhatsApp Click on … Pin or Unpin WhatsApp Chats on your iPhone. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Quick Reply in Chat. This pins that chat to the top and puts a little pin icon beside it. Similarly, you can pin chats of other contacts. With this, that particular chat will move to the top and have a pin icon. It has been there for a couple of months now on Android devices and is now made available to iOS users with the latest update. TechUntold© 2021 is a media company that provides digital tips & tricks and comprehensive product reviews. 3. Hemant Mendiratta is a passionate blogger and keeps a keen eye on useful apps and gadgets. 1. Tap the + icon at the bottom left corner of the app. In some instances, you might need to grant WhatsApp permission to access your location even when running in the background. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-techuntold_com-box-4-0')}; To unpin a chat on Android device long tap on the pinned conversation and select Unpin icon that appears at the top. Die Möglichkeit, dass ihr einen WhatsApp Chat anpinnen könnt, funktioniert ähnlich wie bei Facebook. How to Pin WhatsApp Chat on iPhone and Android, How To Save WhatsApp Photos On Android In Two Ways Plus Troubleshooting. Pin Chats in WhatsApp on iPhone. It lets you see WhatsApp contacts from the iPhone lock screen and provides faster access to them. How to manually add a contact to WhatsApp on an iPhone. at once. How to Add WhatsApp Widget to iPhone Lockscreen; Quickly Add WhatsApp Widget from The App Itself 1. Press and hold the Side button and one of the volume buttons until the power off slider appears. How to Pin Chat or Add Chat Shortcut in WhatsApp on iPhone or Android WhatsApp a cross-platform messaging application which allows you to send texts, share photos and videos, GIF, make voice calls and video calls and send links and documents of various formats including word file, PDF, excel sheet, etc. On Android, tap and hold on the chat and then tap the pin icon. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone. Click on Send Email (An email will be sent to the email address which WhatsApp has on record for you). Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Open WhatsApp and swipe right on the chat you wish to pin. WhatsApp/iOS. With this, that particular chat will move to the top and have a pin icon. WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for iPhone and other smartphones. After reading the privacy policy … Next, we come to WhatsApp… Apps . About two-step verification - Two-step verification is an optional feature that adds more security to your WhatsApp account. Pin. Open WhatsApp and go to the Chats screen. Set up WhatsApp on your iPhone Launch WhatsApp on your iPhone. Launch WhatsApp on your mobile device. Moreover, WhatsApp doesn’t allow to save the shared music file on your iPhone. Click on Forgot PIN; A pop-up will appear. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Similarly, you can pin chats of other contacts. As an Amazon Associate, the owner of TechUntold© 2021 earns from qualifying purchases. Stay on top of the chats that matter to you by pinning them. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone. Updated: 07 … Öffne WhatsApp, tippe auf die drei Punkte oben rechts und wähle Einstellungen. This will mark messages in the thread as read or unread. 2. Bestätigen Sie anschließend Ihre E-Mail ein weiteres mal und die Einrichtung ist beendet. Try This! The new update version 2.17.40 brings features like pinned … How to pin a chat - The pin chat feature allows you to pin up to three specific chats to the top of your chats list so you can quickly find them. Share Music: WhatsApp++ lets you to share DRM-free Music from the iPhone Music app on WhatsApp. On the Chats screen, swipe right on the Chat that you want to pin until you see the Pin button (See image below). Pin a chat On iPhone: Swipe right on the chat you want to pin, then tap Pin. Navigate to "Chats" at the bottom of your screen. Let me show you how. You can follow this tutorial to know what is the meaning of pinned chat and its benefits. Bei Facebook fixiert ihr allerdings einen einzelnen Post, bei WhatsApp den gesamten Chatverlauf. We’ve already covered a detailed article on How to Share Apple Music on WhatsApp or AirDrop . ; Drücke auf Account und suche nach Verifizierung in zwei Schritten. This will bring up a map with a pin showing you your current location. On the iPhone, swipe to the right on the chat you want to pin to the top and then tap Pin. Don’t swipe all the way to the right edge of the screen. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-techuntold_com-box-3-0')};Pin Chat is one of the new WhatsApp features introduced in 2017. Swipe right until you see two buttons; Read, and Pin. ; Tippe auf Aktivieren, gib Deine Telefonnummer ein und lege nach Erhalt der Bestätigungs-SMS Deine sechsstellige PIN fest.Am besten notierst Du Dir die Zahl irgendwo. Der Chat bekommt unter dem Datum/der Uhrzeit des letzten Kontakts eine Pinnadel. You can set the PIN and an email address to use as a backup if you ever forget that PIN. Recovering Your PIN. After you add the widget, you can view it by swiping right of the Lock screen or Home screen (when the phone is unlocked). But there are few tricks, using them you can share or save music files on WhatsApp from your iPhone. Please note that it is possible to pin up to 3 chats so choose your contacts wisely. Slide over it going from left to the right side of the screen. You can connect with him on: You have entered an incorrect email address! In the pop up, tap the “Send Email” option. When you open WhatsApp, go to the list of conversations. Absolutely loves running and is currently training for his first Marathon. If you’re a resident of the US or … Install WhatsApp without SIM via Google voice number for Android. You will see the pin option and option to mark the message as an unread. Cómo poner PIN a WhatsApp y recuperarlo si lo has olvidado La verificación de dos pasos de WhatsApp es verdaderamente útil, siempre que no se te olviden las contraseñas… Remove the passcode on iPhone X or later, iPhone SE (2nd generation), iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus Make sure that your iPhone isn't connected to your computer. Follow the steps below to Pin Chats in WhatsApp on your iPhone. 2.
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