Unfortunately, True Romance didn’t wind up attracting a particularly large audience on its initial cinema release. Tarantino's original ending can now be seen on the Special Edition DVD. In 1993, action movie supremo Tony Scott teamed up with a hot new screenwriter named Quentin Tarantino to bring True Romance to the screen, one of … Tarantino begged Scott to keep the original ending, since the whole story is built on Clarence's talk about Elvis in the beginning about "live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse." For the uninitiated, True Romance is comic-book nerd Clarence and former prostitute Alabama’s unlikely but adorable tale of love, which is sufficiently infused with violence. Downloaded it a few weeks ago. True Romance ist ein 1993 erschienener Film von Tony Scott (Regie) und Quentin Tarantino (Drehbuch). Info: True Romance - Tarantino re-edit Author splice Date 24-Mar-2006, 3:27 PM Author splice Time 24-Mar-2006 3:27 PM Post link . About every available deleted scene is included, some of them were quite nice, but most of them rather redundant, not too distracting or annoying though. Tony Scott re-arranged the layout of the film and had Roger Avary re-write the ending. Now, True Romance is not "Tony Scott does a Quentin Tarantino movie", because it was 1993, and there wasn't enough data to say what "a Quentin Tarantino movie" even was . Vereint werden hier Thriller, Gangsterfilm, eine ordentliche Portion (schwarzer) Humor, ein nicht gerade niedriger Gewaltgrad und eine etwas andere Liebesgeschichte - Tarantinos Handschrift ist deutlich zu erkennen, auch wenn er hier nicht Regie geführt hat. In True Romance, the two main characters earn the empathy of the audience by first being portrayed as helpless victims of the cruel world, then becomes hopeful under propitious circumstances. When it became obvious that the miniseries-length script would never sell, … I suggest you guys should search for it on the pirate bay and download it. We know this isn’t going to end well. When you're tired of relationships, try a romance. 3. Here is some news I meant to post on Friday night but time just got the better of me. All of this casts a different light on his second picture, one of the only he didn’t direct himself, True Romance. -French critics on the films of Roger Corman. Also, watch out for the blood, cursing and spoilers! Though Scott wanted both of the films, he ended up choosing True Romance, leaving Tarantino to make Reservoir Dogs. I think the Tony Scott ending works though. About every available deleted scene is included, some of them were quite nice, but most of them rather redundant, not too distracting or annoying though. Tarantino was paid $50,000 for True Romance, which he used to fund Reservoir Dogs. NOTE: in the original script, True Romance is a non-linear story and contains a different ending Press J to jump to the feed. You can watch with commentary from Tony Scott or Quentin Tarantino, and it's a lot of fun to watch. In Detroit, a lonely pop culture geek marries a call girl, steals cocaine from her pimp, and tries to sell it in Hollywood. Tony Scotts version is very close to the Tarantino script but there are also differences. The writer goes on the run, and True Romance was the movie he writes while trying to evade the two psychotic killers. The fanedit is an ultra-extended cut of True Romance with scenes being put in a new order according to the original script by Quentin Tarantino and also featuring the alternate QT ending instead of the original one. True Romance was an excellant movie, but your so-called “Violence loving” self would rather watch a plain shootout in a hotel and call it violent then watch the amazing House of Blue Leaves action sequence.
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