1. noun. The term "preparatory school" is used as it prepares the children for the Common Entrance Examination in order to secure a place at an independent secondary school, typically one of the English public schools. Dictionary. Meaning of preparatory school. Sometimes the term "college prep" is a way of referring to a set of programs that work to increase college access, especially for students who are least likely to enroll.These programs focus on building academic skills, handle college admissions or financial aid, involve families and mentors, and sometimes incorporate service projects. College preparatory indicates that a school prepares students for college. What made you want to look up preparatory school? A school to prepare teens for college in a slightly college like enviornment, usually boarding schools located in new england or the west coast. This word is almost not used. What does preparatory mean? Vocabulary. Sleeping enough? See more. fuller form of prep school. (of a person) to be ready (for something, to do something, She has had her country wedding, and I've got rid of my house to some fellows who are starting a, "I must inform you, gentlemen, that the Priory is a, On their part, DPS junior boys emerged as the winner of the Qatar, Petersburg, FL, May 23, 2019 --(PR.com)-- On Sunday, May 19, 2019, Shorecrest, This year the following schools participated in the competition: Abi Ayoub Al-Ansari Model School; Arabian Gulf Model School for Boys; The Next Generation School; Smaisma Primary School for Boys; Amna bint Wahab, MANILA, Philippines Dianne Viernes of Diliman, The 14-year-old candidate from Stepping Stones. Definition and synonyms of preparatory school from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. DICTIONARY.COM; THESAURUS.COM; MEANINGS. (in the US) a private secondary school preparing pupils for college Often shortened to: prep school As their name suggests, preparatory (prep) schools are schools whose main purpose is to prepare children for entrance to a private secondary school.These independent, fee-paying schools usually take children aged eight to 13, although at girls’ and mixed prep schools children often move up to senior school at 11. ; You can't pass an exam without preparation. A college-preparatory school (shortened to preparatory school, prep school, or college prep) is a type of secondary school. The Ansbach Gymnasium (college preparatory school) needed a double-bass player, instruction was free, the instrument supplied by a donor from Heilbronn - for Rudolf Watzel, who already played recorder, accordion and trombone, that was incentive enough to add this instrument to his list. A gymnasium is a type of school with a strong emphasis on academic learning, and providing advanced secondary education in some parts of Europe comparable to British grammar schools, sixth form colleges and US preparatory high schools.In its current meaning, it usually refers to secondary schools focused on preparing students to enter a university for advanced academic study. Definition of preparatory school in the Definitions.net dictionary. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word preparatory school. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Quotes. Life at The Naval Academy Prep School. ‘School 1, a private preparatory school with some boarding pupils, had extensive facilities and 9.0 hours a week of physical education in the curriculum.’. This is the British English definition of preparatory school.View American English definition of preparatory school. The term can refer to public, private independent or parochial schools primarily designed to prepare students for higher education. Prep school definition, preparatory school. The wealthy class develop among themselves a system of dress and demeanor that is very much akin to their fraternity and sorority counterpart which eventually matures into the business and country club community of adults. (adjective) Dictionary ! 1 (in Britain) a private school, usually single-sex and for children between the ages of 6 and 13, generally preparing pupils for public school 2 (in the U.S.) a private secondary school preparing pupils for college, (Often shortened to) prep school English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus In theory, of course, every high school should prepare students for college, but that’s not always the case — even for schools that adopt the college preparatory label. Be warned. Meaning of preparatory school. See more. preparatory school definition: 1. formal for prep school 2. formal for prep school 3. a private school for children over the age…. Schools. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/preparatory+school. Most prep schools are in… Learn more. Information and translations of preparatory school in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Relating to or engaged in study or training that serves as... Preparatory - definition of preparatory by The Free Dictionary. Having kids comes with a never-ending list of worries. Meaning of preparatory school. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? These independent , fee-paying schools usually take children aged eight to 13, although at girls’ and mixed prep schools children often move up to … Serving to make ready or prepare; introductory. View the pronunciation for preparatory school. “Preparatory school.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/preparatory%20school. Are they eating well? Preparatory school definition is - a usually private school preparing students primarily for college. Change your default dictionary to American English. Dictionary ... Holland and Brixen, Austria, and a preparatory school at Freshfield near Liverpool; and a large grammar school founded by Nonconformists in 1807. a preparatory school on the lines of a similar institution set up at Bala in 1891. noun preparatory school (in Britain) a private school, usually single-sex and for children between the ages of 6 and 13, ... Only 2% of English native speakers know the meaning of this word. készen áll; hajlandó; (cserkészköszöntés:) Légy résen! The wealthy class of teens often cruelly capitalizes on their superior access to money and social power which builds animosity within the less privileged classes. It is located alongside the Naval War College, where junior and senior officers attend courses designed to enhance their leadership and naval warfare skills. What does preparatory school mean? More example sentences. (in the US) a school, usually a private one, that prepares students for college Topics Education c2; See preparatory school in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary 2021. English Telugu Dictionary. Hanging out with good friends? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Showing page 1. MEANINGS. A preparatory school (or, shortened: prep school) in the United Kingdom is a fee-charging independent primary school that caters for children up to approximately the age of 13. We must be prepared for a disappointment; I'm not prepared (=willing) to lend him more money; The motto of the Scouts is `Be Prepared!'. She was making hasty preparations for her departure. (Education) (in Britain) a private school, usually single-sex and for children between the ages of 6 and 13,... 2. (Weitergeleitet von Preparatory School) Die High School (deutsche Schreibweise korrekt: Highschool) oder Secondary School ist eine weiterführende Schule des sekundären Bildungsbereichs in Staaten wie Australien, Ghana, Kanada, Neuseeland, auf den Philippinen, in Südafrika und den USA. Have you prepared your speech for Thursday? What can I do to get them ready for college? Definition of preparatory school in the Definitions.net dictionary. #2: College Prep = Programs to Increase College Access. preparatory school 1. Meaning of preparatory school. Extract from the Good Schools Guide review of Berkhamsted Preparatory School. Delivered to your inbox! The Naval Academy Preparatory School is located in Newport, Rhode Island. A college preparatory program is a program that prepares students for their future college coursework, while still attending high school. Preparatory-school meaning A usually private secondary school that prepares students for college. Along with the higher learning questions, you may also worry whether their current education is up to … Meaning of preparatory school. According to our data most of word are more popular. Preparatory school definition, a private or parochial secondary school, especially one boarding its students and providing a college-preparatory education. Synonym: prepper; Derived terms . Definition of preparatory school in the Definitions.net dictionary. Send us feedback. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'preparatory school.' Information and translations of preparatory school in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Political leaders have agreed to meet for preparatory talks about an end to the war. Preparatory school definition, a private or parochial secondary school, especially one boarding its students and providing a college-preparatory education. They come from many sources and are not checked. Learn a new word every day. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. At Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School in St. Louis, students can get a head start on their college career by earning up to 18 hours of college credit before they leave high school. école préparatoire (aux grandes écoles secondaires), (scuola preparatoria alla scuola secondaria superiore), ايسا نجي اسکول جو طلبہ کو ہائي اسکول کے ليے تيار کرتے ہيں, مدْرَسَةٌ ثانويَّة تُعِدُّ الطلاب للكُليَّه, die Vorschule, der Vorbereitungsunterricht, [forberedelsesskole til amerikansk universitet, دبیرستان خصوصی برای آماده سازی ورود به دانشگاه, előkészítő (magán)iskola, középiskola (főiskolára), د كانكور د آزماينى لپاره د آمادګى خصوصى كورس يا مكتب, (súkromná) škola pripravujúca na štúdium na univerzite, ايسے نجي سکنڈري اسکول جو طلبہ کو کالج کے ليے تيار کرتے ہيں. Serving to make ready or prepare; introductory. Define preparatory. Extract from the Good Schools Guide review of Berkhamsted Preparatory School. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Accessed 15 May. Also see: preparatory school in Hindi. In Europe, where secondary education has been selective, preparatory schools have been those that catered to pupils wishing to enter the academic secondary schools. PastTenses is best for checking Hindi translation of English terms. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Preparatory definition is - preparing or serving to prepare for something : introductory. No Comments . Preparatory school, school that prepares students for entrance to a higher school. Forums. 2. adj. What preparatory school means in Telugu, preparatory school meaning in Telugu, preparatory school definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of preparatory school in Telugu. See Synonyms at preliminary. The term can refer to public, private independent or parochial schools primarily designed to prepare students for higher education North America United States. A college-preparatory school (shortened to preparatory school, prep school, or college prep) is a type of secondary school. Definition of preparatory school in the Definitions.net dictionary. Our Apps are nice too! Lists. Definition of preparatory school in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. prep school (plural prep schools) A private or public school intended to prepare its students to get into prestigious universities. What Does “College Preparatory School” Really Mean? Information about preparatory school in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. The mix of traditional high school courses, combined with higher academic standards, is designed to establish a solid foundation for teens as they get ready for their future college careers. prepper; preppy What does preparatory school mean? Menu. Are you building something up or tearing it down? Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! After graduating from Rockhurst High School, an all-boys Catholic, The 6-foot-10-inch junior center sat the first three games of the season while applying to, The speaker, Emma Warnecke, was a senior at Saint Mary’s Hall, a private college, Wolf admitted his in-season transfer to the East Coast, Country Day, a nondenominational, co-ed college, Judge Barrett attended a Roman Catholic, college-, Post the Definition of preparatory school to Facebook, Share the Definition of preparatory school on Twitter. What does preparatory school mean? In the United States, a private secondary school that prepares students for college; in the United Kingdom, a private school that prepares students for public school. Games. See more. preparatory school Bedeutung, Definition preparatory school: 1. formal for prep school 2. a private school for children over the age of eleven that prepares…. What does preparatory school mean? It has a much more popular synonym. preparatory synonyms, preparatory pronunciation, preparatory translation, English dictionary definition of preparatory. Choose the best definition or synonym for the word in bold: "There are some. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'?
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