
national defense strategy 2018

It builds on the December 2017 National Security Strategy (NSS). January 22, 2018, The U.S. Department of Defense released an unclassified summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy on January 19, 2018. Become a Contributor Browse Policy and Strategy Documents and Featured Topics for more information on Lone Wolf Terrorism, Maritime Domain, Military Role in Homeland Security, Nuclear Weapons, and Space Policy and National Security. NSS 2018 mandates that the fulfillment of the following specific action areas will help attain the above national vision: 1. The National Security Strategy (NSS) is a document prepared periodically by the executive branch of the United States that lists the national security concerns and how the administration plans to deal with them. Guarantee Public Safety and Achieve Good Governance. The National Defense Strategy — the first new strategy in a decade — was released in 2018. )4�;t��WO�-TG�#�q���@�u��i����|N��#�E�Q�� vi�|3_���ݧ��������>r��iV�ׂ96�ا���"�ٍx�lVɤ�g��������1o�݊Y'���G�Ƌ��'���o��fS��ߌ���o:��iC�,��o���φ�;���^��wɮ�j]�}�S���s��5l���1� �&ʴ� 6>��Z�f@�j�H0rա��׋�&-�N�u.D��e���]Qd�|���O��mDqo�(�������~���8�W�G�rC���N����*�쮨�,Zu�DZˬz��p�k+�%i�@7̌��I3�G*�����*w gBt=U������� On October 31, 2018, Philippine Department of National Defense (DND) Assistant Secretary for Plans and Programs Angelito M. De Leon presented a copy of the country’s National Defense Strategy (NDS) to Defense Secretary Delfin N. Lorenza during the agency’s 79 th founding anniversary. This is an approach developed by the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment in the late 1970s to construct a long-term strategy for managing the military threat posed by the Soviet Union.3 The foreign policy, worldwide commitments, and national defense capabilities of the U.S. necessary to deter aggression and to implement the national security. Providing for the Common Defense I n January 2018, the Department of Defense completed the National Defense Strategy (NDS), a congressionally mandated assessment of how the Department will protect the United States and its national interests using the tools and resources at its disposal. Past this, the 2018 National Military Strategy specifically makes mention of great-power competition three times. Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic, and security decisions of its neighbors. Despite the defeat of ISIS’s physical caliphate, threats to stability remain as terrorist groups with long reach continue to murder the innocent and threaten peace more broadly.”. The Strategy includes numerous initiatives, such as the consolidation of the Government’s cyber security operations into the creation of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, to be led by the Communications Security Establishment, as well as establishing the National Cybercrime Coordination Unit within the RCMP. %PDF-1.6 %���� Title: The National Military Strategy of the United States of America. The 2018 NMS was developed in support of the President's National Security Strategy, the 2018 National Defense Strategy, and with guidance and policy direction from the President and Secretary of Defense. Last week, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis released the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS). %%EOF The accompanying press release reveals that the document emphasizes a focus on “restoring America’s competitive military advantage to deter Russia and China from challenging the United States, its allies or seeking to overturn the international order that has served so well since the end of World War II.”. The press release and updated National Defense Strategy both suggest that modernization, strong leadership, and resilient and agile logistics systems will be critical to restoring and expanding U.S. competitiveness in the rapidly changing climate of the international community. Defense Strategy after the Pandemic,” which makes the case for adjusting U.S. strategic objectives in light of flat or declining Pentagon budgets over the next few years. 2018 National Defense Strategy [February 5, 2018] [open pdf - 132KB] "On January 19, 2018, Secretary of Defense Mattis released the unclassified summary of the Department of Defense's (DOD) first congressionally mandated National Defense Strategy (NDS). What You Should Know About the National Defense Strategy. Download: PDF. Described by DND as the Manila’s “first ever” NDS, the strategy document only became publicly available online in … Date: Friday, January 26, 2018 Re: Review of the 2018 National Defense Strategy Summary. The 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) replaces the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), last published in 2014. The accompanying press release reveals that the document emphasizes a focus on “restoring America’s competitive military advantage to deter Russia and China from challenging the United States, its allies or seeking to overturn the international order that has served so well since the … Virtually everything Canadians do is touched by technology in some way – on a per capita basis, we spend the most time online of any country in the world, at 43.5 hours per Canadian per month. 59 0 obj <> endobj h�bbd```b``Z According to Col. Patrick Ryder, Dunford’s spokesman, Published: December, 2018. Here is what you should know about this quadrennial national security report. "c���1D�q�H�T��Gy�H2vJ��L@��}&�9�A"@U�������)@� cWD National Defense Strategy. On January 19, 2018, Secretary of Defense Mattis released the unclassified summary of the Department of Defense's (DOD) first congressionally mandated National Defense Strategy (NDS). Request an Individual Account endstream endobj 60 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 62 0 obj <>stream Through the Cabinet and the Executive Committee of the NSC, the National Security Adviser (NSA) shall report to the President the status of their implementation. 70 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<93B639F409B5FF4197B6AF6D54D191F2>]/Index[59 41]/Info 58 0 R/Length 76/Prev 129926/Root 60 0 R/Size 100/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream This unclassified synopsis of the classified 2018 National Defense Strategy articulates our strategy to compete, deter, and win in this environment. The National Cyber Security Strategy establishes a clear focal point for cyber security within the federal government. Chris, Melanie, and Zack, discuss Frank Hoffman’s recent War on the Rocks essay, “U.S. As well, North Korea’s outlaw actions and reckless rhetoric continue despite United Nation’s censure and sanctions. National Military Strategy 2018. Background. Further, the press release points out that the updated defense strategy is geared toward implementing the pillars of the National Security Strategy that President Trump announced in December 2017. From commercial supply chains to the critical infrastructure that underpins our economy and our society, the risks in the cyber world have multiplied, accelerated, and grown increasingly malicio… H��W�n�H}�h�e��İy'��Y�Nn���BSm���t��x0���I�e�� �%�ݧ�N����l5 The National Defense Strategy, released this morning, may be the single most important document penned by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. We are heavily inter-connected and networked, a fact that enhances our quality of life, but also creates vulnerabilities. The National Defense Strategy (or NDS) is used to establish the objectives for military planning regarding force structure, force modernization, business processes, supporting infrastructure, and required resources (funding and manpower). Click below to read the overview: For more Joint Staff news, visit: The eleven-page document (linked below) is a sanitized, unclassified synopsis of the classified 2018 National Defense Strategy that “articulates [America’s] strategy to compete, deter, and win” in a period of “global disorder, characterized by decline in the long-standing rules-based international order”, according to the introduction. An updated strategy document is timely, as both China and Russia pose persistent and evolving threats to the U.S. and international security. In addition to stating DOD's approach to contending with current and emerging national security challenges, the NDS is also intended to … The National Defense Strategy (NDS) provides a clear road map for the Department of Defense to meet the challenges posed by a re-emergence of long-term strategic competition with China and Russia. The National Biodefense Strategy is aligned with the 2018 National Security Strategy of the United States. Should deterrence fail, the Joint Force is prepared to win. Critical Releases in Homeland Security This is the first new National Defense Strategy in ten years, following the previous 2008 version. In addition to stating DOD's approach to contending with current and emerging national security challenges, the NDS is also intended to articulate the overall strategic On September 18, 2018, President Trump unveiled the 2018 National Biodefense Strategy, designed to protect the American people from all types of biological threats. It is a call to action for all Americans and our great companies to take the necessary steps to enhance our national cyber-security. The strategy begins with the determination to protect the … Partners & Sponsors, Alerts and Subscriptions As outlined in the summary of the updated strategy, U.S. efforts are concentrated on three key theaters of command: Europe, the Indo-Pacific region, and the Middle East: “China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea.

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