
lensing media wikipedia

[43], Oliver Boyd-Barrett, an academic specialising in Communications Studies, said in 2010 that Media Lens possess a "relentless commitment" to assessing the media "on criteria of rationality and humanity, for what they write and fail to write, and doing so in a tone that is determinedly polite and respectful, even when the content is highly critical".[5]. [36], In December 2002, eighteen months after the site's creation, Australian journalist John Pilger described Media Lens as "becoming indispensable". November 2020. [78] In an interview with Fuller, Sloboda said Media Lens was "a pressure group that use[s] aggressive and emotionally destructive tactics". [57], A 30 April 2003 Media Lens database search, covering the period leading up to and including the invasion of Iraq found that, of the 5,767 articles published by The Guardian and its sister paper The Observer, only twelve made any mention of Scott Ritter. This means that the light from an object on the other side will be bent towards an observer's eye, just like an ordinary lens. Lensing Media ist ein Verlag in Dortmund. [26][71], The Iraq Body Count project (IBC) was set up by John Sloboda as an attempt to record civilian deaths resulting from the US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq. Project volunteers examined news stories for reports of civilian casualties. According to Edwards, this constituted "a shocking suppression of serious and credible dissident views", which he said were "soon to be entirely vindicated". uns freut es sehr, dass Ihnen die Ausbildung bei Lensing Media so viel Freude bereitet und möchten Ihnen für das durchweg positive Feedback danken. Light rays are the boundary between the future, the spacelike, and the past regions. Despite being considered "strong", the effect is in general relatively small, such that even a galaxy with a mass more than 100 billion times that of the Sun will produce multiple images separated by only a few arcseconds. University of Uppsala. Vicki S. Lensing - Official Portrait - 81st GA.jpg 152 × 228; 21 KB. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1980. p 74. 4,3. The use of the Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey data collected using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) stands to be such a collection of data. They may also provide an important future constraint on dark energy. : Reclaiming Your Mind from the Delusions of Propaganda (September 2012, Alresford: Zero Books, ISBN 978-1780993652) also draws on Media Lens' contact with journalists. [45], Warped and distorted around SDSS J1050+0017. Petters will become the Provost at New York University Abu Dhabi effective September 1, 2020. Dark matter distribution - weak gravitational lensing (Hubble Space Telescope). [62], In 2003, Media Lens compared the BBC's reporting on the Iraq war to "Boys' Own war pornography". Media Lens messaged Lewis on twitter asking why she had not mentioned that Cooper had voted in favour of wars that "wrecked" Iraq and Libya. Sonderheft zur Gewerbeschau für Kunden und Gäste dabei, Leni Lensing begeisterte mit ihrem Liveauftritt vor allem die kleinen Besucher. Español 1 681 000+ artículos. The theory is correct anyway. [8][page needed] However, Einstein noted in 1915, in the process of completing general relativity, that his (and thus Soldner's) 1911-result is only half of the correct value. Gravitational lens discovered at redshift z = 1.53. Due to the high frequency used, the chances of finding gravitational lenses increases as the relative number of compact core objects (e.g. As a result, the shear effects in weak lensing need to be determined by statistically preferred orientations. [47], Gravitational lenses found in the DESI Legacy Survey data[48], Gravitational lenses found in the DESI Legacy Survey data[49], The lensing phenomenon allows for features as small as about 100 light-years or less. Galaxy clusters can produce separations of several arcminutes. Einstein became the first to calculate the correct value for light bending. [42] The award was presented by Denis Halliday, the former United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq, and himself a recipient of the award in 2003. Edwards and Cromwell might be described as early examples of citizen journalists". November 1889 in Dortmund; † 25. [48] He said the effect of this is "tacitly to increase the credibility of Assad's black propaganda". [85] The repercussions of the Brockes interview continued for some time. [51], David Wearing, writing in openDemocracy in September 2015, commented that while the group has "a vocal, dedicated following", it also has "a long record of alienating potential allies with their purity tests and aggressive oversimplifications". Aileen Kierstein: Mein Volontariat bei Lensing Media Jeder Arbeitstag im Leben eines Redakteurs ist anders: aktuelle Themen, neue Termine, andere Menschen. Adesso SE. Although Einstein made unpublished calculations on the subject,[4] the first discussion of the gravitational lens in print was by Khvolson, in a short article discussing the “halo effect” of gravitation when the source, lens, and observer are in near-perfect alignment,[5] now referred to as the Einstein ring. If there is any misalignment, the observer will see an arc segment instead. [8], In August 2015, Helen Lewis, deputy editor of the New Statesman wrote about an interview she had with Yvette Cooper. Lodge, who remarked that it is "not permissible to say that the solar gravitational field acts like a lens, for it has no focal length". The lensing object may be stars in the Milky Way in one typical case, with the background source being stars in a remote galaxy, or, in another case, an even more distant quasar. [70][67] According to Mukhopadhyay, the exchange was evidence that journalists, who do not have the statistical expertise to evaluate technical reports, "do not always take the obvious step of seeking expert advice". However, KSB is based on a key assumption that the PSF is circular with an anisotropic distortion. So he is persona non grata". [77] In response Fuller accused them of "[refusing] to engage in any way that does not allow them total control of the interaction". Nutzen Sie auch den Job-Alert für die Benachrichtungen bei neuen Stellen. [62], Robinson responded to this argument: "It is absurd – not to mention offensive – to suggest that journalists who report both the case for war and the case against it are morally responsible for those who die in it". Impressum. XING 10. Lambert Lensing (* 14. [23][24] The media alerts are distributed without charge by email to an international readership. Für unser Familienunternehmen in vierter Generation arbeiten mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. They also said that studies similar to that of the IBC had been found to only capture a fraction of actual deaths. Cromwell and Edwards observe that 'it is not important to make sense in the media; it is important only to be able to bandy the jargon of media discourse in a way that suggests in-depth knowledge: Iran-Contra, IMF, G8, the "roadmap to peace", "UN resolution 1441", and so on' ". The second Lancet survey, published in 2006, estimated that, as at the end of June 2006, 655,000 more deaths had occurred since the invasion, than would have been expected in the absence of conflict. Regarding Media Lens’ criticism of left-wing sources, Murphy wrote: "Writing detailed critiques of corporate media reports is admirable, but isolating yourself from those who could not only help you out, but who may in fact also need your help in undermining the very corporate media forces you’re attempting to expose as fundamentally subservient to power, is not the action of an organisation trying to improve the world". Wir sind das Medienhaus vor Ort. Gravitational lenses act equally on all kinds of electromagnetic radiation, not just visible light, but also in non-electromagnetic radiation, like gravitational waves. Français 2 326 000+ articles. The editors of Media Lens have co-authored three books: David Cromwell's Why Are We the Good Guys? Facebook is showing information to help you better … ", "A Journey Unchallenged – Andrew Marr Interviews Tony Blair", "Adventures in Media Surreality – Part 1", "Iraq Body Count – A Shame Becoming Shameful", "Maelstrom of Vitriol – The BBC Smears Media Lens", "Transcript of an interview with David Fuller for, "Speculation is no substitute: a defence of Iraq Body Count", "Smearing Chomsky – The Guardian Backs Down", "Deleted Thread: 'Open Letter To Amnesty International, "Dancing on a Mass Grave – Oliver Kamm of, "A 'Malign Intellectual Subculture' – George Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Media Lens", "Our response to Monbiot's June 13, 2011 article", "Life through Medialens – but not as we know it", "Undermining Democracy – Corporate Media Bias on Jeremy Corbyn, Boris Johnson and Syria", "The Media's Hypocritical Oath - Mandela And Economic Apartheid", "Few human beings can be compared to Jesus Christ. [40], The journalist Peter Wilby, wrote in January 2006 that "their basic critique is correct" and he occasionally commissioned Cromwell and Edwards while he was editor of the New Statesman. Any reasonable commentator understands the need to pay careful attention to the candidates’ record and thinking on war". Viele Gespräche mit. Für unser Familienunternehmen in vierter Generation arbeiten mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. [90] In June 2011, George Monbiot wrote that Media Lens "maintained that Herman and Peterson were 'perfectly entitled' to talk down the numbers killed at Srebrenica". See more of Lensing Media on Facebook. In a dense field, such as the galactic center or the Magellanic clouds, many microlensing events per year could potentially be found. [94][95] Rowson had published a cartoon after the Houla massacre depicting a bloodstained Bashar al-Assad. The lensing shows up statistically as a preferred stretching of the background objects perpendicular to the direction to the centre of the lens. The observer may then see multiple distorted images of the same source; the number and shape of these depending upon the relative positions of the source, lens, and observer, and the shape of the gravitational well of the lensing object. GeoCities was one of the earliest social networking services, launched in November 1994, followed by in December 1995 and in May 1997. The Lancet published two peer-reviewed studies of the effect of the 2003 invasion and occupation on the Iraqi mortality rate at two separate points in time. [22][17], Writing in Z Communications in May 2014, Elliot Murphy said that Media Lens pay careful attention to the writings of George Orwell, "noting the prevalence of clichés which should arouse suspicion in any reader of the press or listener of parliamentary debates. English 6 295 000+ articles. At this point, Media Lens adherent then posts the email chain on the sect's website, without notice or permission [beginning a thread]. s m They believe that mainstream journalists gradually absorb an unquestioning corporate mindset as their careers progress, becoming unwilling to question their occupations or governments claims, but not consciously lying. Media Lens said the media "fell into line" with the governments' view despite earlier accepting the estimates from a similar study by the same researchers, using the same methods, which had estimated 1.7 million deaths in the Congo. [76][74][75], In April 2006, David Fuller, a BBC Newsnight journalist, wrote about Media Lens' four campaigns against the IBC project's methods on the BBC website. He said one possible reason was they were "shilling for tyrants". More commonly, where the lensing mass is complex (such as a galaxy group or cluster) and does not cause a spherical distortion of spacetime, the source will resemble partial arcs scattered around the lens. [7] The site's editors frequently draw attention to what they see as the limits within which the mainstream media operates,[8] and provide "a riveting exposé of the myth of liberal media based on a variety of empirical case studies", according to Graham Murdock and Michael Pickering. Full detail of the project is currently under works for publication. He likened the group's email campaigns to "a train spotters' club run by Uncle Joe Stalin". In 2009, Media Lens summarised Herman and Peterson’s articles on Srebrenica by saying that, although Herman and Peterson were "not denying that mass killings took place at Srebrenica", they "do not accept the figure cited by Kamm and others, but that they are perfectly entitled to do". The lens could reconstruct the exoplanet image with ~25 km-scale surface resolution, enough to see surface features and signs of habitability. lokal Nähe ist alles. Vicki S. Lensing - Official Portrait - 83rd GA.jpg 143 × 200; 22 KB. [24] In a New Internationalist interview in 2010, Pilger said Media Lens "has broken new ground with the first informed and literate analysis and criticism of the liberal media". In 1936, after some urging by Rudi W. Mandl, Einstein reluctantly published the short article "Lens-Like Action of a Star By the Deviation of Light In the Gravitational Field" in the journal Science. [46], Galaxy SPT0615-JD existed when the Universe was just 500 million years old. [8][page needed] If the (light) source, the massive lensing object, and the observer lie in a straight line, the original light source will appear as a ring around the massive lensing object (provided the lens has circular symmetry). [4][5], Media Lens is financed by donations from website visitors. Definition: a lensing effect induced by temperature gradients. [55] Journalist James Ball responded that writers should try the mainstream first to gain attention for their work as "virtually all of the best journalism comes out of 'corporate' or 'mainstream' media", such as the parliamentary expenses scandal, "the exposure of offshore leaks", "Iraq War Logs", "Libor rigging", and "dozens of other major pieces of accountability stories". Facebook 1 aufklappen zuklappen Beliebte Services ... Lensing Media. [13] In response, Media Lens said their argument had been that Herman and Peterson were "perfectly entitled" to debate the facts not that "they are entitled to falsify, mislead, wilfully deceive, or whatever 'talk down' was intended to suggest". The first example of this was the star MACS J1149 Lensed Star 1 (also known as Icarus), that is to date the farthest star ever observed, thanks to the boost in flux due to the microlensing effect. About See All. They described the media reaction as "ferocious criticism of Milne’s innocuous comments and the complete absence of any criticism of Johnson’s policy shift". If a strong lens produces multiple images, there will be a relative time delay between two paths: that is, in one image the lensed object will be observed before the other image. Home; News; Random Article; Install Wikiwand; Send a suggestion; Uninstall Wikiwand; Our magic isn't perfect. [36], Kaiser, Squires and Broadhurst (1995),[38] Luppino & Kaiser (1997)[39] and Hoekstra et al. The discovery and analysis of the IRC 0218 lens was published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters on June 23, 2014. Die Score Media Group GmbH & Co KG ist eine nationale Vermarktungsallianz von 30 regionalen Tageszeitungsverlagen mit Sitz in Düsseldorf und München, zu der mehr als 420 regionale Tageszeitungen mit den dazugehörigen Lokalausgaben, Newssites sowie Anzeigenblättern gehören. This discovery would open the possibilities of testing the theories of how our universe originated.[27][28]. He described their book Guardians of Power: The Myth of the Liberal Media as a brilliant assessment of the "balance of reporting when it comes to ‘our’ crimes versus ‘theirs’". The lower count produced by the IBC’s method was, Media Lens argued, used by politicians and journalists "particularly of the pro-war variety" (they named Herald Sun journalist Adam Bolt(sic) and the Liberal Democrats as their examples) to "downplay the tragedy of the civilian death toll" and "suggest, for example, that the results of the invasion have been far less severe than the consequences of leaving Saddam Hussein in power".

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