Accessibility Statement. A native of Ukraine, he inve Vom 2015er Porsche 918 Spyder mit Weissach-Paket existieren weltweit nur sieben Modelle. He makes public appearances wearing T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers—the unmistakable outfit of a programmer. Jan Koum picked a meaningful spot to sign the $19 billion deal to sell his company WhatsApp to Facebook earlier today. Jan Koum, co-founder of WhatsApp, ... and one only seven painted in Liquid Metal Chrome Blue. 5390 February 19, 2019 Cars. Every time he happened to see a Porsche back then, it reminded him of his goal. Jan Koum (42) gilt als Sammler mit einer „starken Affinität zu seltenen Porsche“. “For me, a Porsche always represented the epitome of success,” he recalls. We share information about your use of our site with social media and analytics partners in accordance with our. A native of Ukraine, he invented the messaging app that is now used by more than a billion people worldwide. But Koum doesn’t flaunt his wealth. So geschehen beim WhatsApp-Mitgründer Jan Koum – mit deutlichen Verlusten. Und in der Tat zieren seine Sammlung Zuffenhausener Preziosen der letzten 25 Jahre, überwiegend solche mit Motorsportgenen und bevorzugt in gelben Farbtönen. Gooding & Company hat zehn Porsche-Raritäten von Whatsapp-Mitbegründer Jan Koum versteigert. You can find more information on the difference between WLTP and NEDC at, we are still obliged to provide the NEDC values, regardless of the type approval process used. Den Mann hinter der Erfolgsgeschichte nur wenige: Jan Koum. Der gebürtige Ukrainer hat die Messenger-App, die inzwischen mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen weltweit nutzen, erfunden. Initially they both lived on welfare. One of only 194 Porsche 993-era GT2s ever made, Jan Koum’s GT2 is the only one to wear Arena Red. WhatsApp cofounder Jan Koum quit Facebook on Monday to collect Porsches. “I prefer to buy cars that have a ‘radio delete’ option,” he says. Porsche verwendet Cookies, um die Webseite optimal gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können. Der Mitgründer und langjährige Chef des populären Chatdienstes WhatsApp, Jan Koum, verlässt die Konzernmutter Facebook. Dies ist die Geschichte von einem Porsche und drei Männern: Frank, Jan und Walter. ** Important information about the all-electric Porsche models can be found here. Widely considered to be the ultimate example of a 964, Koum bought this car brand new in Japan and rarely drove it. He smiles as he describes what he calls his “convertible phase.” Now he’s a fan of coupes in the 964 and 993 series. A modern-day fairy tale. Cookie Policy. Auch Whatsapp-Gründer und Porsche-Sammler Jan Koum hat seinen 964 für den neuen Motor zur Verfügung gestellt. Mike Maez/Gooding & Company There’s a 2010 GT3 RS and a 2011 variant that’s got the 4.0 and is effectively … Widely considered to be the ultimate example of a 964, Koum bought this car brand new in Japan and rarely drove it. ... Er wolle sich nun seiner Porsche-Sammlung und Ultimate Frisbee widmen. Bild: Auto Bild Montage Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet / Porsche AG Jan Koum / DPA ... ein Faible für Supercars hat Michael Dell, Gründer des nach ihm benannten Computer-Giganten. Nor does he make any compromises when it comes to his cars. 5390 February 19, 2019 Cars. The name Jan Koum should therefore be familiar only to the fewest users of the messenger. WhatsApp cofounder Jan Koum quit Facebook on Monday to collect Porsches. © 2021 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Legal notice. Assembled by Jan Koum, a man with ‘profound love for rare Porsches’, the collection comprises motorsport-derived models from the last 25 years and is spearheaded by yellow air-cooled 911 RSs from the 1990s – a 964 Carrera RS Lightweight, 964 Carrera RS 3.8 (one of 55 built), and a 993 Carrera RS 3.8 – all in beautifully original condition. Jun 19, 2019 - Jan Koum, the co-founder of WhatsApp, has officially run out of garage space. This video is unavailable. Das Ergebnis ist jetzt in England zu bewundern. He smiles as he describes what he calls his “convertible phase.” Now he’s a fan of coupes in the 964 and 993 series. Frank ist 911-Aficionado mit einem verblüffenden Detailwissen. Jan Koum Porsche (10 images) 1992 Porsche 964 Carrera RS, 1 of 1,910 lightweight models made; 1993 Porsche 964 Carrera RS 3.8, 1 of 55 (1 of 12 in Speed Yellow) 1995 Porsche 993 Carrera RS 3.8, final air-cooled Carrera RS model; 2008 Porsche 997 GT3 RS 3.6, 1 of 53 North American examples in RS Green; Jan Koum, the co-founder of WhatsApp, has officially run out of garage space. Ein Fall für Puristen und Perfektionisten – so wie WhatsApp-Gründer Jan Koum, Weltmeister Walter Röhrl und Porsche-Sammler Frank Troche. Every time he happened to see a Porsche back then, it reminded him of his goal. Wahre Liebe zum 911 25.07.2016. And so ten of the billionaire’s prized Porsches are going to the auction block courtesy of Gooding & Co. ... Jan Koum Porsche. They are intended solely as a means of comparing different types of vehicle. He worked as a cleaner at a supermarket and she did ironing on a piecework basis. Watch Queue Queue Not every tech entrepreneur is solely future-focussed. “Because the best music of all is the sound of the six-cylinder boxer engine.”, By Thomas Lötz Photos by Robert Gallagher, Born: 1976 Residence: San Francisco, USA Porsche: 911 Sport Classic (built in 2010) Profession: Engineer, member of the Facebook board of directors. ... Koum zooms past the new building in his Porsche on the way to a … A native of Ukraine, he invented the messaging app that is now used by more than a billion people worldwide. Privacy Policy. can change relevant vehicle parameters such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics and, in addition to weather and traffic conditions, as well as individual handling, can affect the fuel/electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and performance values of a car. h.c. F. Porsche AG Press Database Jan Koum, inventor of WhatsApp Porsche uses cookies to optimize and improve the website, as well as enable the availability of certain functions. WhatsApp kennt jeder. For those that thought the Huracán Evo Coupe didn't have enough fresh air, Lamborghini... Vuori Kore Shorts. The company was sold to Facebook in February 2014 for the staggering sum of $19.3 billion, earning Koum … And so ten of the billionaire’s prized Porsches are going to the auction block courtesy of Gooding & Co. ... Jan Koum Porsche. This may lead to corresponding changes in vehicle taxation from 1 September 2018. Zumindest ist es seine Begründung, zehn ausgewählte Beispiele der Porsche-Geschichte von den frühen neunziger Jahren bis heute aus dem Verkehr zu bringen. Der Traum, den sich WhatsApp-Mitgründer Jan Koum als Milliardär erfüllt hat, ist ein Porsche aus den 90er Jahren. Calling any 911 model the "ultimate" 911 is a lesson in futility — and... Lamborghini Huracán Evo Spyder. 10 of those Porsches are now looking for new homes, with Koum consigning them to Gooding & Company's upcoming auction at Amelia Island in March. 718 Boxster; 718 Boxster S “Because the best music of all is the sound of the six-cylinder boxer engine.” •, Born: 1976 Residence: San Francisco, USA Porsche: 911 Sport Classic (built in 2010) Profession: Engineer, member of the Facebook board of directors. Jan Koum is a man of good taste. However, he now lacks the space to accommodate all his favorite models, so he sorted out some heavy hearts. June 11, 2019. in 911, Celebrity Cars, Porsche News. Facebook bought the startup for $22 billion in cash and stock in 2014. As far as new cars (which are type approved in accordance with the WLTP) are concerned, the NEDC values will, therefore, be derived from the WLTP values during the transition period. Jan Koum’s 2008 Porsche 997 GT3 RS 3.6. Dies zeigt sich beispielsweise bei seinen Autos: Er begeistert sich für seltene Modelle von Porsche und hat mittlerweile eine stattliche Sammlung in seinem Besitz. Der 911 GT2 ist ein radikales Gerät. Initially they both lived on welfare. “I prefer to buy cars that have a ‘radio delete’ option,” he says. Now that he’s struggling to find space for all of his favorite cars, he’s decided that the 2019 Amelia Island Auction is perhaps the most fitting way to dole out 10 of his least-admired vehicles. Jan Koum founded popular messaging app WhatsApp alongside Brian Acton in 2009. And for the more modern additions: – 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder Weissach – one of only seven painted in liquid metal chrome blue. In the case of Jan Koum, co-founder of WhatsApp, some of Porsche's most sought after flavours of 911 line his extensive car collection. Everybody knows WhatsApp. Privacy Notice. Porsche 964 Carrera RS 3.8. Due to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel/electricity consumption and CO₂ emission values determined in accordance with the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those determined in accordance with the NEDC. Koum bought his first 911, a 2003 Cabriolet, exactly ten years ago. Porsche 911 GT2 of Jan Koum, Co-Founder of WhatsApp. These Are the 10 Drool-Worthy Porsches WhatsApp Co-Founder Jan Koum Is Selling The collection is coming to Gooding & Company's Amelia Island auction in March. Jan Koum is a man of good taste. WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum may be getting the last LOL when his fantastic Porsche curation hits the Gooding & Company stage at Amelia Island this March. He owes a lot to Porsche, with his desire to own one of the German sports cars lighting a … – 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4 in special order signal yellow. Whatsapp-Gründer Jan Koum soll ein Vermögen von 10,1 Milliarden Dollar (etwa 8,8 Milliarden Euro) besitzen. Jan Koum Porsche Collection Gemballa GTR 8XX EVO-R Biturbo Coupe. Products. Den Mann hinter der Erfolgsgeschichte nur wenige: Jan Koum. According to Frank Troche, “His first car was a pretty beat-up 924 .” “The headlights no longer flipped up, and so on. Legal notice. According to Frank Troche, “His first car was a pretty beat-up 924.” “The headlights no longer flipped up, and so on. 14 JAN Home services platform Porch acquires four companies. It has just been revealed that WhatsApp co-founder, and Porsche aficionado, Jan Koum will be thinning out his Porsche collection at this year’s Amelia Island Auction on March 8, 2019. Now, he’s selling a part of his collection of beloved cars that are just lying around; 10 of them in total! He worked as a cleaner at a supermarket and she did ironing on a piecework basis. “My brand is Porsche,” he says. "For me, a Porsche always represented the epitome of success," he said. München (dpa) - Der Traum, den sich WhatsApp-Mitgründer Jan Koum (39) als Milliardär erfüllt hat, ist ein Porsche aus den 90er Jahren. “The desire to buy a Porsche motivated me to work even harder.” Everybody knows WhatsApp. Die Erlöse blieben teils deutlich unter den Erwartungen. In the case of Jan Koum, co-founder of WhatsApp, some of Porsche's most sought after flavours of 911 line his extensive car collection. As of 1 September 2018 the WLTP replaced the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). h.c. F. Porsche AG. After nine years at Yahoo, he founded WhatsApp in 2009—and the rest is digital history. Koum Family Foundation is a private foundation in Menlo Park, CA, which was founded in 2016 and most recently had $384,770,760 in revenue and no employees. 10 of those Porsches are now looking for new homes, with Koum consigning them to Gooding & Company's upcoming auction at Amelia Island in March. “And the desire to have a car like that was a key incentive to learn more and to work even harder.” Which is exactly what he did: he learned how to program. h.c. F. Porsche AG Presse-Datenbank Jan Koum, inventor of WhatsApp Porsche verwendet Cookies, um die Webseite optimal gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können. 1992 Porsche 964 Carrera RS. Auch Whatsapp-Gründer und Porsche-Sammler Jan Koum hat seinen 964 für den neuen Motor zur Verfügung gestellt. Koum bought his first 911, a 2003 Cabriolet, exactly ten years ago. Koum became a member of the Facebook board of directors and is one of the two hundred richest people in the world. The additional reporting of the WLTP values is voluntary until their obligatory use. Jan Koum cofounded WhatsApp, now the world's biggest mobile messaging service, in 2009. One of the richest people in the world, Jan Koum, the inventor of the WhatsApp and member of the Facebook board of directors, attributes his love for #Porsche to his success? Everybody knows WhatsApp. Jan Koum Porsche Kollektion Jan Koum, Mitbegründer von WhatsApp, hat offiziell keinen Garagenplatz mehr. “And the desire to have a car like that was a key incentive to learn more and to work even harder.” Which is exactly what he did: he learned how to program. Der GT2 vom Jan 06.06.2019. WhatsApp kennt jeder. “My brand is Porsche,” he says. Without further adieu, we present the ten cars in his Porsche curation going up for auction: 1. “For me, a Porsche always represented the epitome of success,” he recalls. But only a few people know the man behind it—Jan Koum. Um diese Inhalte zu sehen, akzeptieren Sie bitte unsere Cookies. Taycan Media Drive; Events 2020; Events 2019; Events 2018; Archives; 718. Form 990s for Koum Family Foundation Fiscal year ending He smiles as he describes what he calls his “convertible phase.” Now he’s a fan of coupes in the 964 and 993 series. Watch Queue Queue. – Spectacular looking 2016 Porsche 911 R. As you can tell, Koum likes his cars to be limited edition. Jan Koum lives and breathes for good old-fashioned mechanics when they come in the form of exquisite sports cars from Zuffenhausen: Koum is a Porsche fan to the core. Ansonsten habe sich sein Leben kaum verändert: «Ich gehe immer noch ins selbe Büro und arbeite mit denselben Leuten am selben Produkt.» “I had always wanted to own one, but couldn’t afford it.” He grew up in a suburb of Kiev and immigrated to the United States with his mother in 1992, at the age of sixteen. TechCrunch ist Teil von Verizon Media. His deep love with rare models, to … Since 1 September 2017 certain new cars have been type approved in accordance with the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure to measure fuel/electricity consumption and CO₂ emissions. Der Porsche 911 GT2 ist ein radikales Gerät. Extra features and accessories (attachments, tyre formats, etc.) We do this to better understand how visitors use our site and to offer you a more personal experience. Externer Inhalt nicht verfügbar. When WhatsApp’s co-founder Jan Koum left the company at the start of this year he decided he was going to take some time to hunt for and collect air-cooled Porsches.
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