He was born on February 18, 1954 at Englewood, New Jersey, United States. Wie sich schnell herausstellt, weisen die Vögel ähnliche Symptome auf wie Tiere nach dem Chernobyl-Vorfall. Bernadette Rubtsov and his wife, Tzubery, reside with Rubtsov's fourteen year-old daughter, V.R. Eyes Stay with us! [7], Upon finishing with another client, she offers her services to The Stranger seen in the parking lot just before he enters the truck with the nuclear waste. Amalie Dollerup’s character Amanda has started to see another side of the German lieutenant Kiessling in “Badehotellet”. In Eve's world, Benjamin Wöller is a minor character that can only briefly be seen in the church, talking to Peter … Von den Anfängen seiner Karriere bis zu geplanten Projekten. Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth), Hannah Kahnwald (Maja Schöne), Katharina Nielson (Jördis Triebel), and Benni (Anton Rubtsov) and Torben Wöller (Leopold Hornung) were all present. Double Lives In the season finale of the series, only a handful of people are seen dining. With Martina Gedeck, Ulrich Tukur, Lucie Heinze, Angelika Thomas. Later, he sees Bernadette arrive to retrieve it, swapping it for another full of money. Nominiert sind die Miniserie »DAS VERSCHWINDEN« mit Isabella Bartdorff, »4 Blocks« mit Tijan Marei und »DARK« mit Anton Rubtsov. Died Anschließend folgten Episodenrollen in diversen Krimi- und Serienformaten. It premiered on December 1, 2017. In addition to this, she is known as the owner of the hemp farm group. His second wife Tina Kunakey is 30 years younger than him. Family In Adam's world, Bernadette is a transgender sex worker who operates out of a trailer at a truck stop near Winden. Find exactly what you're looking for! Alive (Original World), Deceased (Apocalypse in Adam's World)Ceased to exist (Eva's World) In dem Coming-of-Age-Film Mittlere Reife (2012) hatte er eine Nebenrolle, in der er einen erst kürzlich aus Russland eingewanderten Schüler spielte. Besides she is the She wears a long thick furry pink coat and uses a yellow umbrella. Anton Rubtsov. Anton Rubtsov, in Russland geboren und bilingual mit Deutsch und Russisch aufgewachsen, absolvierte von 2010 bis 2014 seine Schauspielausbildung an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ in Berlin. Anton Rubtsov as Benni/Bernadette, a transgender prostitute in 2019–2020, Torben's sister (season 1–3) Sammy Scheuritzel as Kilian Obendorf, Erik Obendorf's brother and Martha and Bartosz's classmate in 2019's alternative world (season 1, 3) Anna Schönberg as Donata Kraus, a nurse and Ines Kahnwald's co-worker in 1986 (season 1) z. Dark Season 3, Episode 8, “Paradise” ends with six characters having dinner together: Hannah, Regina, Katharina, Peter, Torben Wöller (Leopold Hornung) and Bernadette Wöller (Anton Rubtsov). Plaintiffs allege that in 2008, Rubtsov made 11 allegations to the County against Ulyana of physical abuse and 12 neglect of their three children. Er spielte Lars von Hesseling, den Sohn eines Staatsanwalts, der gelegentlich mit Partydrogen dealt. Winden In addition to this, she is known as the owner of the hemp farm group. 1987 Physical description Last Appearance He followed her to Bernadette’s (Anton Rubtsov) place, believing she was also doing sex work. Adam's World Torben Wöller (Brother)Peter Doppler (Boyfriend in original world)Hannah Wöller (sister-in-law) Unborn nephew/niece | Kein GND-Personendatensatz. [9] When he confronts Franziska, she explains that she has been providing hormones for Bernadette's hormone replacement therapy; her father used to supply them, but had stopped visiting her. Anton Rubtsov … Benni Sandra Borgmann … Elisabeth Doppler 2053 Lea van Acken … Girl from the Future Max Schimmelpfennig … Young Noah Sylvester Groth … Investigator Clausen; Ludger Bökelmann … Ulrich Nielsen 1986 Cordelia Wege … Greta Doppler 1953 Florian Panzner … Daniel Kahnwald Sebastian Rudolph … Michael Kahnwald He was in the truck stop parking lot the night Mikkel Nielsen went missing, but changes his mind and drives to the Doppler Shack and hides out in the bunker reciting the Serenity Prayer just before Mads Nielsen drops through a wormhole in front of him. [5] Since Benni/Bernadette was born in 1987, this cannot be the "Benni" that Donata Kraus is referring to. 2019 findet Jonas Kahnwald Karten und Notizen über die Höhlen in der Garage, während Charlotte Doppler herauszufinden versucht, wie der tote Junge und die toten Vögel zusammenhängen könnten, da bei beiden ein perforiertes Trommelfell gefunden wurde. Anton Rubtsov as Benni/Bernadette, a transgender prostitute in 2019–2020, Torben's sister (season 1–3) Sammy Scheuritzel as Kilian Obendorf, Erik Obendorf's brother and Martha and Bartosz's classmate in 2019's alternative world (season 1, 3) Anna Schönberg as Donata Kraus, a nurse and Ines Kahnwald's co-worker in 1986 (season 1) She is implied to be in a long-term relationship with Peter, and is good friends with Regina Doppler and Katharina Albers, while her brother Torben Wöller is expecting a child with his wife Hannah. After 26 years of marriage there is a divorce on the way between Georg and Doris. Portrayed by Letzte Überprüfung: 9. Rubtsov's ex-wife, Ulyana Rubtsova ("Ulyana"), has custody of Rubtsov's other two children. Leigh Anne invites him to spend the night at her house. which airs in Germany on 20th February on Sky Atlantik.. Director: Paolo Sorrentino Casting Director: Anna Maria Sambucco Production: Sky Studio, HBO Films (us), Canal+ (es), Wildside (it) Broadcaster: HBO Home Box Office, Sky Amalie Dollerup’s character Amanda has started to see another side of the German lieutenant Kiessling in “Badehotellet”. Am bat-Studiotheater spielte er u. a. die Rollen Murk/Anna Manke in Trommeln in der Nacht und die Rollen Oliver/Amiens in Wie es euch gefällt (jeweils Spielzeit 2013/14). [3], 2014 wirkte er in der Theaterproduktion Your Lover Forever – Briefe an Goethe, einer Koproduktion zwischen dem Schauspiel Frankfurt und dem Kunstfest Weimar im Rahmen der Goethe-Festwoche 2014, mit. Charlotte discovered that Peter's car was photographed by the wildlife observation camera that she took the SD card from. Thats why the couple is taking a separation therapy and there will be some rough sessions. Absolvierte von 20seine Schauspielausbildung an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ in. In der Krimiserie Morden im Norden (Erstausstrahlung: April 2018) verkörperte er den Fahrradkurier Lennart Hofer, der sich als Psychologiestudent ausgibt, um mit Unterstützung seiner ahnungslosen Freundin die Patientinnen eines Psychiaters zu erpressen. Plaintiffs allege that in 2008, Rubtsov made 11 allegations to the County against Ulyana of physical abuse and 12 neglect of their three children. [3][10], Im Tatort: Eine andere Welt (2013) war er in einer Nebenrolle zu sehen. It premiered on December 1, 2017. B. : The Witcher, FBI Most Wanted, The ... , Anton Rubtsov. Theatertreffen deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierenden. Original World Anton Rubtsov Den 33-årige tyske skuespiller Anton Rubtsov havde aldrig hørt om 'Badehotellet', før hans agent pludselig kontaktede ham i sommeren 2019 og bad ham komme til prøve på rollen som en nazistisk løjtnant. Aliases Anton Rubtsov … Benni Sandra Borgmann … Elisabeth Doppler 2053 Lea van Acken … Girl from the Future Max Schimmelpfennig … Young Noah Sylvester Groth … Investigator Clausen; Ludger Bökelmann … Ulrich Nielsen 1986 Cordelia Wege … Greta Doppler 1953 Florian Panzner … Daniel Kahnwald Sebastian Rudolph … Michael Kahnwald In the scene, which takes place in the present day, we see Regina (Deborah Kaufmann), Hannah (Maja Schone), Katharina (Jordis Triebel), Peter (Stephan Kampwirth), Bernadette (Anton Rubtsov… Film der ZDF-Krimireihe Nord Nord Mord (Erstausstrahlung: Januar 2020) gehörte er in der Rolle des tatverdächtigen Paul Kleefeld zu einer Gruppe von militanten Tierschützern, die illegal nackt am Sylter Ellenbogen campen. Mar 22, 2021 07:00 am Entertainment 52. Anton Rubtsov as Benni/Bernadette, a transgender prostitute in 2019–2020, Torben’s sister (season 1–3) Anna Schönberg as Donata Kraus, a nurse and Ines Kahnwald’s co-worker in 1986 (season 1) Andreas Schröders as a power plant worker in 2020 (season 2) Während seiner Ausbildung hatte er erste Theaterengagements am bat-Studiotheater Berlin (2012–2014) und an der Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (2012) in Berlin. Profil von Anton Rubtsov mit Agentur, Kontakt, Vita, Demoband, Showreel, Fotos auf CASTFORWARD | e-TALENTA, der Online Casting Plattform One day she meets the homeless Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron). Directed by Rainer Kaufmann. Anton Rubtsov spiller rollen som den nazistiske løjtnant Uwe Kiessling, der kan skifte humør fra faretruende til flirtende på få sekunder. [14] In der 18. Anton Rubtsov, född 1987 i Tambov i Ryssland, är en rysk-tysk skådespelare. Not only was Wöller revealed to be the brother of transgender call girl Benni (Anton Rubtsov) but he’d been hiding the radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant. Mark Ivanir has been working as a professional film and television actor in Los Angeles since 2001. Juni 2017 um 21.45 Uhr erstmalig veröffentlicht. 5,197 Followers, 70 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Anton Rubtsov (@antonrubtsovantonrubtsovanton) [5][6] Im Sommer 2016 gastierte Rubtsov bei den Bad Hersfelder Festspielen als Zauberlehrling und Titelheld in dem Familienstück Krabat nach Motiven des Jugendbuchs von Otfried Preußler. Table of Contents Despite her business being featured on Forbes Sabrina Peterson’s net worth in 2021 is yet to be revealed. While Georg is having some fun with a much younger co-worker, Doris want the divorce be silenced. John Travolta real name is John Joseph Travolta. First Appearance Anton Rubtsov as Benni/Bernadette, a transgender prostitute in 2019–2020, Torben's sister (season 1–3) Sammy Scheuritzel as Kilian Obendorf, Erik Obendorf's brother and Martha and Bartosz's classmate in 2019's alternative world (season 1, 3) Anna Schönberg as Donata Kraus, a nurse and Ines Kahnwald's co-worker in 1986 (season 1) It is implied that she has not transitioned to a woman and remained male. FILMSTARTS. The teenager cannot write and arithmetic, he wears shorts and a T-shirt every day – even in the icy winter. The trailer has "welcome" and "love" LED signs in the windows as well as a red lamp outside. [2] Während seiner Ausbildung hatte er erste Theaterengagements am bat-Studiotheater Berlin (2012–2014) und an der Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (2012) in Berlin. Benjamin (birth name)Benni (nick name) Entdecke die 7 Episoden aus Staffel 5 der Serie McMillan & Wife. Anton Rubtsov is an actor, known for Dark (), Never Look Away and Die Toten von Marnow. Anton Rubtsov (* 1987[1][2][3] in Tambow, Russland) ist ein deutscher Schauspieler russischer Herkunft. In der 7. [6], Charlotte Doppler confronts Bernadette, suspecting her husband had been to see her on the night of Monday November 4th, 2019. Occupation Besides she is the Katharina Nielsen (Jordis Triebel), Regina, Hannah Kahnwald (Maja Schöne), Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth), Torben Wöller (Leopold Hornung) and Benni Wöller (Anton Rubtsov) were all … [11], After the cycle is broken, Bernadette is shown as one of the remaining residents of Winden in the original world. [9] Das Ensemble des Films erhielt 2012 beim Hessischen Filmpreis den Sonderpreis der Jury. Franziska’s selling “hormone therapy prescriptions.” Her father Peter (Stephan Kampwirth) stopped going to see … Bernadette says Peter hasn't been back in over a year. June 27, 2020 Apocalypse [8], Magnus Nielsen, suspicious of Franziska Doppler, follows her into the forest to the railroad bridge, where he sees her stashing an envelope. Regina, Hannah, Katharina, Peter, Wöller, and his transgendered sister Benni (Anton Rubtsov) are having a dinner party on a stormy night. Emilia Schüle ist in der Jury für die diesjährige GOLDENE KAMERA. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Anton Rubtsov. Anton Rubstov, at the age of 34 years, has been really active and busy in his acting career. Anton Rubtsov. IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. Anton Rubtsov and Amalie Dollerup in “Badehotellet”. He can speak French, English, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian. Han har varit med i både ryska och tyska filmer. He learned the Russian language for his role in the movie Eastern Promises (2007) which points to the fact that he is so dedicated to his job. In einer weiteren Episodenhauptrolle war Rubtsov in der ZDF-Serie Notruf Hafenkante (Erstausstrahlung: Dezember 2016) als schwuler Sohn der Polizeihauptmeisterin Claudia Fischer (Janette Rauch), der Opfer eines homophoben Angriffs wurde, zu sehen. [4], Peter Doppler has used Bernadette's services in the past, but not since 2018. Am bat-Studiotheater spielte er u. a. die Rollen Murk/Anna Manke in Trommeln in der Nacht und die Rollen Oliver/Amiens in Wie es euch … Reviews - 27. jan. 2020 - pm. They also have a daughter together named Amazonie. Rubtsov and his wife, Tzubery, 8 reside with Rubtsov’s fourteen year-old daughter, V.R. [16][17], deutscher Schauspieler russischer Herkunft, https://www.schauspielfrankfurt.de/spielplan/archiv/p-t/peter-pan/ (Link nicht abrufbar). [7][8], Seit 2011 übernahm Rubtsov auch Rollen in Film und Fernsehen. Plaintiffs allege that in 2008, Rubtsov made allegations to the County against Ulyana of physical abuse and neglect of their three children. Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth) is accompanied by his trans partner Benni (Anton Rubtsov), Katharina (Jördis Triebel), Regina Tiedemann (Deborah Kaufmann) and Wöller (Leopold Hornung) who is with a very pregnant Hannah (Maja Schöne). Actor: Anton Rubtsov, Bastian Trost, Ben Becker, David Schütter, Evgeniy Sidikhin, Florian Bartholomäi, Hannes Hellmann, Hanno Koffler, Hinnerk Schönemann, ... though you have an inside view into someone's actual life as Aydin battles it out with his sister Necla and his young wife Nihal. [13] In der Serie In aller Freundschaft – Die jungen Ärzte (Erstausstrahlung: Juni 2016) spielte Rubtsov in einer Episodenhauptrolle den Reiseblogger Bastian Westermann, der nach einem schweren Autounfall gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Arthur (Benedikt Blaskovic), der ihm vorwirft, ihn bei der Pflege der kranken Mutter im Stich gelassen zu haben, ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird. The Paradise His first major film role was in Steven Spielberg’s … [4] In der Spielzeit 2014/15 trat er als Gast am Schauspiel Frankfurt in den Rollen John/Tootles in Peter Pan auf. In der ZDF-Krimiserie SOKO Leipzig (Erstausstrahlung: Januar 2016) spielte er einen tatverdächtigen ehemaligen Informatikstudenten, der über eine Handy-App verschiedene Frauen „datet“, um später bei ihnen einzubrechen. Januar 2020. Brown Sabrina Peterson is an entrepreneur. Born She wears a long thick furry pink coat and uses a yellow umbrella. He is also famous from other names as Bone. Watch popular content from the following creators: Anton_Rubtsov(@anton_rubtsov), Anton_Rubtsov(@anton_rubtsov), Антон Рубцов(@antonrubtsov3), Антон Рубцов(@antonrubtsov3), Антон Рубцов(@antonrubtsov3) . Young Elisabeth (Carlotta von Falkenhayn) continues looking through her great-grandfather’s things. He follows Bernadette back to the trailer, where she solicits him. Learn more about the actor here on this site. Behind the scenes Anton Rubtsov and Amalie Dollerup in “Badehotellet”. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) is a happy wife, mother of two, and successful business woman. @maxstilecht folgen. Sabrina Peterson is an entrepreneur. Brown Discover short videos related to Anton Rubtsov on TikTok. Katharina Nielsen (Jordis Triebel), Regina, Hannah Kahnwald (Maja Schöne), Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth), Torben Wöller (Leopold Hornung) and Benni Wöller (Anton Rubtsov) were all … 9 ex-wife, Ulyana Rubtsova (“Ulyana”), has custody of Rubtsov’s other Rubtsov’s 10 two children. Han har även varit med i den danska TV-serien Badhotellet, där han spelar en tysk löjtnant. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Residence Anton Rubtsov, in Russland geboren und bilingual mit Deutsch und Russisch aufgewachsen, absolvierte von 2010 bis 2014 seine Schauspielausbildung an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ in Berlin. "Alpha and Omega" is the tenth and final episode of Season 1 ofDark. This world seems a lot more benevolent to those who weren’t a part of the family tree. Du bist auf der Suche nach einer Übersicht aller Drama-Serien? Table of Contents Despite her business being featured on Forbes Sabrina Peterson’s net worth in 2021 is yet to be revealed. [2], In the original world, Bernadette Wöller is a transgender woman who is briefly seen at the dinner party in The Paradise alongside the other remaining Windeners. Schauspieler in der. [1], Deceased (Apocalypse in Adam's World)Ceased to exist (Eva's World), Peter Doppler (Boyfriend in original world)Hannah Wöller (sister-in-law) Unborn nephew/niece, In Eve's world, Benjamin Wöller is a minor character that can only briefly be seen in the church, talking to Peter Doppler. 9 ex-wife, Ulyana Rubtsova (“Ulyana”), has custody of Rubtsov’s other Rubtsov’s 10 two children. April 2021 um 01:51, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“, Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Theatertreffen deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierenden, Theatertreffen Deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierender, "Die Toten von Marnow": Mini-Serie von NDR/ARD Degeto mit Petra Schmidt-Schaller und Sascha Gersak, Anton Rubtsov zu seiner Rolle Sören Jasper, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anton_Rubtsov&oldid=211272645, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, 2012: Der Doc und die Hexe (Fernsehserie; Folge: Nebenwirkungen). In Adam's world, Bernadette is a transgender sex worker who operates out of a trailer at a truck stop near Winden. Mark Ivanir plays a recurring role in the awaited series »The New Pope« alongside Jude Law, John Malkovich, Sharon Stone a.o. 2013 erhielt er für seine Mitwirkung in dem Stück „Die fremde Frau und der Ehemann unter dem Bett“ (Regie: Axel Wandtke) nach Motiven von Dostojewskij an der Volksbühne Berlin den Ensemblepreis beim 24. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25. In dem Märchenfilm Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt (2014) hatte er eine der Hauptrollen, er spielte den starken Lukas.[11][12]. "Alpha and Omega" is the tenth and final episode of Season 1 ofDark.
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